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Support Your Perfect Booty Efforts With This Little Known “Booty Secret”
A Sexy, Curvy Butt and Naturally Slim Thighs Means Activating ALL THREE booty Muscles…But Inflammation Can Stop Your Progress In Its Tracks
Adding This to Your Daily Routine Reduces Inflammation Related To Exercise And Could Even Shrink Fat Cells!

Hey It’s Danette again…
And first of all, I want to say congratulations on joining the 30 Day Booty Camp
When it comes to looking, feeling and moving younger, your booty is the key!
This is one of the most important steps you’ll ever make.
But, inflammation can keep you from getting your dream booty - no matter how much you workout and how “clean” you eat.
No matter what your health goals are, I can almost guarantee that inflammation is standing in the way…
That’s why I wanted to let you in on something that my clients who see the BIGGEST improvement in their health are all taking advantage of…
It’s two simple easy to use spices that health experts say can not only support the transformation of your booty, but can support your gut health, and your metabolism…
But also work HAND-IN-HAND to support your overall health and well-being.
Plus they just flat out work…
Which is why I always recommend that my 30 Day Booty Camp clients who are looking for the most dramatic improvement in their bodies in the shortest amount of time…
Use them.
That’s because these two simple kitchen spices enhance everything inside the program and make it all work so much better…
I’ll tell you what they are in just a moment…
But first, let me start by explaining to you why they work so well…
And how they can…
Amplify the results you’ll be experiencing inside the 30 Day Booty Camp.

Now don’t get me wrong.
The Booty Camp is a COMPLETE program and it works incredibly well.
It does everything I say it does and so much more.
However, once I saw this new research…
I quickly realized that these two spices offered something every one of my clients could benefit from.
And they can give you FASTER and BETTER results than the Booty Camp alone.
In fact, I was so impressed that I even started using these digestive health secrets myself.
And the results I’ve experienced so far have been nothing short of miraculous.
Now as you know…
Inflammation can wreak havoc on your body, and can even hold you back from reaching your health and wellness goals...
And you may also know that rebalancing your microbiome is crucial to proper digestion which reduces inflammation related to physical exercise...
But one area that is rarely known or addressed is the actual lining of your digestive system.
Everyone talks about restoring balance…
But without a healthy digestive lining it can be so much more difficult.
Just imagine you have a house that is falling apart and you’ve decided to rebuild it.

Would you rebuild the house on a cracked or sinking foundation?
Of course not!
Even if you used the most expensive wood, the finest building materials and hired the best contractor to build your house...
Over time it would only fall apart again.
It will never stand up to the elements.
And that’s exactly what happens within your gut.
You see…
Inside our bellies, we have an extensive intestinal lining covering more than 4,000 square feet of surface area.
It’s like the foundation of your house.
And when your gut foundation is healthy, this lining forms a tight barrier that controls what gets absorbed into your bloodstream.
However, an unhealthy gut lining may have large cracks or holes, allowing partially digested food, toxins, and bugs to penetrate the tissues beneath it.
You’ll often hear this referred to as “Leaky Gut”
And according to researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital…
Leaky Gut is tied to chronic inflammation.

And not only can chronic inflammation lead to a whole host of health problems…
Like weight gain, high blood pressure, joint pain and diabetes...
This inflammation can also DESTROY your immunity.
And in a recent issue of Yale News…
Researchers called unhealthy gut bacteria the enemy within…
And connected it to a variety of autoimmune disorders.

On top of that…
It allows harmful invaders like viruses and bacteria to enter your bloodstream through those “cracks in the foundation”.
Normally, your “foundation” TRAPS harmful invaders…
And holds them hostage until your white blood cells can race in to finish them off.
Unfortunately if that foundation becomes cracked…
Those harmful invaders can now enter your body and make you sick.
Even worse is that…
This foundation gets weaker and weaker every single year...
Which means even if you’re doing all the right things…
Like working out…
Eating healthy foods…
And staying stress-free…
This foundation becomes more vulnerable to attack.
Which brings me to the gut health secret I wanted to share with you to increase your Booty Camp results…
See, I’ve discovered something pretty amazing…
And not only does this discovery heal your gut lining…
But it also helps to balance your microbiome, soothes inflammation and boosts your health in a dozen different ways.
What are these gut healing compounds?

The first one is Turmeric…
Now I know you think that you’ve heard everything there is to know about turmeric.
And maybe you’ve even tried it before.
But I promise that what I am about to share with you is something you’ve never heard…
I sure hadn’t…
And because it’s NEW research…

Not many people have.
You see, in addition to it’s amazing anti-inflammatory benefits…
It’s fat burning capabilities…
...and all of its health boosting properties…
Turmeric ALSO has some amazing gut healing capabilities.
That’s because turmeric is filled with healing compounds called curcuminoids…
The most powerful of which is Curcumin.
In a recent study published in the American Journal of Physiology researchers found that curcumin improves intestinal barrier function.
In other words…
It FIXES your foundation!
But that’s not all…
Curcumin protects your immune system in FOUR different ways...
It really is a universally amazing ingredient that I believe every person on Earth should be taking.
Here’s why…
Immune Protector #1

Boosting Gut Bacteria
First, in an evaluator-blinded, randomized placebo controlled study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine researchers found that curcumin boosted healthy gut bacteria by a whopping 69%!
And as you know, boosting healthy gut bacteria is CRUCIAL to enjoying both better digestion and a bulletproof immune system.
Next we have…
Immune Protector #2

Supercharges Immunity Cells
Turmeric is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that protect your immune system by boosting the function of the cells that protect your body.
In fact, according to a study from the University of Texas…
Curcumin can help fight off harmful invaders by increasing the stopping power of your immunity cells including your T cells, B cells, and even your natural killer cells.
It also helps you fight off allergies by regulating how the body releases Th2 cells.
Plus studies have shown that a combination of Turmeric and ginger can help defend against getting sick...
By making it almost impossible for harmful invaders to attach to healthy cells and make them sick.
On top of that...
Immune Protector #3

It Helps Reduce Fever And Soothe Coughing
When you get a fever it's usually from an infection or some form of inflammation.
And this is controlled by the process called Nuclear-factor kappa B. This process is what tells your genes to produce more inflammatory chemicals when you’re sick.
But studies have shown Turmeric can block this process…
Which prevents excess inflammation...
And helps relieve coughing by fighting infections at their source...
Instead of simply masking symptoms like many common over-the-counter products.
And finally we have...
Immune Protector #4

Soothes Damaging Inflammation
Inflammation in your gut can cause a whole host of health problems, including…
- Weight gain…
- Erratic blood pressure and blood sugar…
- Joint pain…
- Leaky gut as we just discussed
- Rapid aging...
- And SO many more...
Plus it can trigger changes to your gut bacteria which creates a cascading effect throughout your entire body.
The good news is that curcumin soothes inflammation so well that studies show it can work as well as some anti-inflammatory drugs, without the side effects.
It does this by blocking NF-kB, a molecule that travels into the nuclei of your cells and turns on genes related to inflammation.
Pretty amazing, right?
Turmeric it’s something I think everyone should be taking.
There’s just one problem…
Turmeric is extremely hard to absorb.
Which means, very often when you take turmeric as a supplement you end up wasting over 90% of what’s in the capsule.
And that’s NOT good.
Not only is it a waste of money, but you’ll never get all the gut healing benefits that turmeric has to offer.
To make matters worse some turmeric brands have been shown to contain dangerous amounts of additives like lead.
And that’s just one of the issues…
Some brands contain only small traces of usable turmeric…
Many are labeled as organic when they aren’t…
Some contain dangerous fillers and chemicals…
And still more have poor solubility, which means they can’t be absorbed.
In essence, there are NOT a lot of turmeric supplements out there that you can trust.
And it becomes even more important when you’re dealing with gut health issues.
Which is why I made it my mission to find a source of the highest quality turmeric possible.
One that I could confidently recommend without worrying about quality issues.
With superior absorption…
And after tons of research I am happy to say I’ve found one.
It’s called TurmiPure Gold and it is hands down the best source of turmeric I’ve ever seen.
In a randomized comparative clinical trial TurmiPure Gold was found to have the strongest Bioavailability when compared to other popular brands on the market.
That means it was the most absorbable.
In fact, TurmiPure Gold was found to be 24X more bioavailable than turmeric with bioperine (a common nutrient used to increase turmeric absorption)
And that’s impressive…

You see...
In one study researchers found that Bioperine increases the absorption of turmeric by 2000%!
And TurmiPure Gold increases it another 24X on top of that.
Which means that MORE turmeric gets inside where it can do you the most good.
But that’s just one thing that makes TurmiPure Gold so incredible.

Here are a few more reasons I love it so much.
It’s also 100% organic certified…
Completely free From Nanoparticles…
And it even has 3 Patents Pending!
It’s truly remarkable.
But remember I told you that I found two spices that were super helpful in healing your gut.
And this second spice is equally impressive when it comes to healing your gut and creating a bulletproof immune system.
In one recent study researchers found that this nutrient was capable of remodeling the microbiome.
This age-old remedy is also known for its ability to ease nausea…
...and like turmeric it can also help relieve symptoms associated with IBS.
Plus it’s been proven to help with stomach cramps, gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.
It can also prevent heartburn and it kills harmful bacteria linked to acid reflux.
What’s more, this nutrient also heals the gut lining leading to better nutrient absorption…

See, Ginger is full of powerful healing essential oils that act as strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic agents.
Ginger also helps protect your body’s stores of the super anti-oxidant & free radical destroyer glutathione.
And that’s important because free radicals are often behind much of the damage seen in your gut lining…
Finally, ginger improves the production of digestive juices.
And healthy digestive juice flow is essential for healing a leaky gut and reducing the gut related inflammation that can cause it.
Along with turmeric I consider ginger to be an essential nutrient for optimal gut health.
Which is why I decided to combine both of these power spices together in what I feel is the most potent gut healing formula on the market.
I call it... Turmeric Plus Ginger...
And today…
Because you decided to take action and join the 30 Day Booty Camp…
I wanted to give you the first opportunity to try my new formula completely risk free…
Normally a high quality product like this comes with a hefty price tag.
The fact, that we’re using TurmiPure Gold as our source of curcumin alone makes this a premium product.

And adding organic ginger root to the formula makes it even that much more special.
But I didn’t stop there.
You see, even though TurmiPure Gold is the most bioavailable turmeric on the market we still decided to add organic black pepper to the formula.
And for good reason.
Black pepper not only enhances absorption of turmeric but of ginger too.
Giving the entire formula an extra boost.
What this all means, is that this new formulation is hands down the most bioavailable turmeric and ginger formula you’ll ever find.
And today, you’re going to get the opportunity to try my new Turmeric Plus Ginger for the lowest price possible.
Remember that there’s really nothing else like it available on the market today.
And while it really is different than any other turmeric and ginger product out there...
I also really want you to experience it first hand.
And because you’ve already taken the first step today by joining the 30 Day Booty Camp...
You won’t be paying the suggested retail price of $99 today...
You won’t pay $89, or even $79…
Instead when you take advantage of this one time special offer all you’ll pay is just $33.33 per bottle.
That’s a savings of 31.62 dollars per bottle...
But, that’s just for starters.
You see, I know that once you discover the power of Turmeric Plus Ginger you’ll want to keep taking it.
Which is why I’ve also created a special discount package plan…
Where you can get 6 bottles of Turmeric Plus Ginger…

For just $33.33 per bottle…
That’s a savings of 49%.
Add To Cart No thanks, I’ll pass on this one-time special offerHowever, this special discount package is only being offered to you today because you joined the 30 Day Booty Camp...
And I can only offer it while supplies last.
But again this offer is only available to you right now on this page.
You won’t see Turmeric Plus Ginger offered at this price anywhere else.
So click the 6 bottle package (or any other package you choose) below right now to secure your order.
This is one of the smallest but most important investments you can make in your gut health and overall wellness…
A single bottle of Turmeric Plus Ginger will start healing your gut lining, squashing inflammation and boosting your digestive health...
Three bottles will do the same thing, plus you’ll also start to protect yourself from a variety of chronic health conditions...
And with 6 bottles of Turmeric Plus Ginger you’ll give yourself an entire six months of full gut health protection…
It’s like completely “refreshing” your digestive system...
In other words…
After using Turmeric Plus Ginger for 6 months you’ll look and feel better than ever...
You’ll have a healthier body…
And a completely new YOU.
So make your selection right now so that you can start experiencing everything Turmeric Plus Ginger has to offer.
And you should also know that your order of Turmeric Plus Ginger is covered by our 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Here’s how it works…

Right now, you simply click the button below...
And secure your very own supply of Turmeric Plus Ginger.
Your order will then arrive in the next 3-5 business days…
And the moment you get it…
I want you to tear open that packaging and start USING Turmeric Plus Ginger!
I’m incredibly confident that you’ll notice a huge difference once you start taking this premium supplement…
You’ll see your belly flatten, your digestion ease and your energy skyrocket.
And if for some reason you change your mind about Turmeric Plus Ginger within the next 2 months…
Just call or email us…
All of our customer service reps are right here in the United States and they'd be glad to help you.
Your refund will be processed with zero questions asked.
There is absolutely zero-risk or reason for hesitation here today.
You have a full 60 Days to see if Turmeric Plus Ginger is for you…
...and if you change your mind you don’t pay a dime.
But if you’re ready to take advantage of this life-changing offer…
If you’re ready to completely heal your gut, rebalance your microbiome and soothe inflammation in order to Supercharge your 30 Day Booty Camp...
You do need to make your decision...
So go ahead and order your very own risk free supply of Turmeric Plus Ginger right now…
Choose your savings below right now.
And I’ll see you on the next page.
1 Bottle Package
most popular and best value