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You’re Already Going To FEEL 10 Years Younger With Golden Superfood Bliss… Want To LOOK 10 Years Younger Too?

Hey, Danette here…

And as you know…

Golden Bliss is going to help you FEEL 10 years younger by...

  • Helping you enjoy deep, restful sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed and energized…
  • Soothing stress so you experience more peace and joy…
  • Minimizing your cravings so you can eat less and watch your belly flatten more effortlessly…

And so much more!

But if you’re like me..

You Want To LOOK 10 Years Younger Too!

I’ve been trying to look my best for most of my adult life.

During my teenage years I suffered from severe acne…

Which left crater-like scars on my face.

I felt self-conscious of them throughout all of my 20s and 30s…

Always feeling like someone was staring at my acne scars and not even paying attention to what I was saying..

Secretly jealous of other women with flawless skin who seemed immune to aging...

Embarrassed to leave the house without spending 20 minutes putting on makeup...

But it was my early 40s which really hit me like a ton of bricks.

I don’t know what it is about hitting your 40s…

But it’s like your body just GIVES UP And doesn’t care if it looks OLD...

UGH… it’s a mess!

So a few years ago when I turned 40 I began testing everything you could possibly imagine to regain the youthful face, skin, hair and nails I once had…

And I came across a little-known secret that erased easily over a decade of aging faster than I ever thought possible...

Behind closed doors, it’s talked about as a new way to “rewind time”

to get back plump, smooth skin, long, thick hair… strong, growing nails...

even a more balanced gut which helps your ENTIRE body.

They say this secret could even bump up your metabolism, turning fat-burning into overdrive!

Rumor has it, this Rejuvenation Secret turns older, greying, and slumping skin, hair, and nails... into a visibly younger appearance.

Many rave their old selves have been REJUVENATED!

And it’s not only celebrities telling stories.

It’s not only ME telling you that it works...

There's scientific proof it works better than anything you’ve tried before.

People everywhere are adding it to their smoothies…Sprucing up their coffee… Even mixing up “power-yogurts!”

You may have already guessed I’m talking about Collagen.

Now before we go any further…

I’m NOT talking about the same collagen you’re probably familiar with…

Like most things, there are CHEAP types of collagen (found in most beauty products) that can’t absorb into your body and sometimes aren’t even the right type…

And then there are the types that actually work :)

Now when we’re talking about high-quality collagen that easily absorbs into your body, it can help everything from...

Helping your skin look visibly younger…

Supporting strong hair that grows…

Strengthening nails…

Supports Strong Healthy Bones

Helping you get a better night’s sleep…

Supporting healthy digestion...

Helping support normal blood sugar levels...

Boosting your immune system...

... and so much more!

But even with ALL of these incredible benefits…

The fact is… collagen is vital for every cell in your body.

And when you have it in abundance you get to enjoy EVERYTHING I just mentioned.

But when Collagen levels drop, it’s only a matter of time before...

  • Skin goes from smooth and taut, to wrinkles beginning to show (and stay!)
  • Tendons and ligaments that help you move, stretch, reach and bend start to stiffen. Eventually, you’re not as flexible, and start to feel a bit older than you are.
  • Strength and flexibility start to dwindle. You’re not as strong, and your muscle mass is decreasing. Collagen is a good source of protein, and increasing intake could help your muscles remain strong over time.
  • Cartilage in your joints begins to wear from lack of a protective cushion causing discomfort.
  • And for the icing on the cake, without collagen…

  • Your GUT LINING can get thinner! This can lead to more digestive issues and uncomfortable bowel movements.

But here’s the problem...

Research indicates starting from 40 years old, collagen levels have already decreased by 31%...

And by the later parts of life, collagen levels drop by more than HALF!

This chart from a recent study clearly shows what can happen unless you give your body a little help.

Age (years)

This shows that if left unchecked… a natural, unstoppable drop in collagen WILL occur.

Plus, studies show pollution, free radicals, and sun exposure can ALL accelerate collagen loss.

But there IS good news because...

When your body is Collagen Abundant...

“CELLULITE BE GONE!” YES! Collagen helps your skin look bright and smooth!

In the “gold standard” of clinical tests — a double-blind, placebo-controlled study — scientists concluded that taking Collagen peptides reduces the appearance of cellulite AND has a positive impact on skin health.

Your Joints Feel Fresh And Flexible

Scientists at the Collagen Research Institute in Kiel, Germany, split a group of 182 men and women in their 40s and 50s suffering from knee or hip pain into 2 groups.

One group took collagen every day. The other group took a placebo (a fake pill with nothing in it).

The group that took collagen felt a 38% improvement in their pain scores and could move around MUCH BETTER!

Supplementing with collagen could help all the movements you do as part of everyday life — walking, crouching, bending over, or even just using your smartphone — become comfortable, graceful, and smooth again.

And while younger feeling joints make collagen worth its weight in gold... the benefits of collagen go SO MUCH further!

Your Hair Grows Longer And Feels Stronger

A study conducted by the University of Tokyo shows collagen supports your body’s production of keratin.

Keratin is essential for healthy hair growth. It also helps increase blood flow to your scalp, which promotes stronger, thicker hair.

So you’d think adding more collagen would be the answer, right?

The answer is actually…


At least not exactly.

You see...

Since Collagen has become all the rage, I get questions about it all the time.

And it’s no wonder.

Ask 10 different “experts,” and you’ll get 20 different answers about what REALLY works when it comes to collagen.

Take my client Jane.

Jane is a busy lady. She works hard and is about 4 years away from a 1-year sabbatical. Who knows where the world will take her.

You’d never guess it, but Jane is nearing 60… and she looks like she’s 10 years younger!

Last time I spoke with Jane, the conversation turned to her friend.

She said, “Last week, I ran into an only friend of mine, Susan.” “It was weird. Susan is the exact same age as me…

“Susan ALSO takes collagen. We always talk about things we’re trying… some stuff works, but most of it is junk.”

“For the Collagen though… She’s taking the exact same amount as me…”

“But instead of looking younger… I honestly think she looks OLDER.”

So what gives?

Why did Jane notice such incredible results while Susan hardly saw any real changes?

Well, it’s quite simple.

Jane used the SAME type of Collagen as the studies above…

And Susan didn’t.

See, the collagen in your skin is primarily made up of types I and III collagen, meaning that...

If You Want The Best Results Possible... There Is ONE Specific Type Of Collagen That Makes You Look Younger

Don’t buy ANY Collagen unless it includes THIS!

You may already know how Collagen comes from a number of sources.

If you hit the local CVS or Amazon, you’ll find an endless stream of options.

The HUGE jugs… the small pills. And everything in between.

What you’ll also notice is the SOURCE of Collagen also varies.

There’s collagen from fish.

Collagen from chicken.

Even Collagen from “wasted” eggshells.

And each Collagen source works a bit differently.

That’s why you can take ONE type of Collagen, say Marine collagen…

Then you could take a pill with MUTIPLE types of collagen…

Finally, take another type of Collagen, say from Bovine…

And each time, experience COMPLETELY different results.

Just to be very clear…

The WRONG Collagen Can…

  • Do absolutely nothing so your hair, nails, skin and body continue to age faster and faster with each passing year...

The RIGHT Collagen Can…

  • Breath new life back into tired, wrinkled skin…
  • Add more fullness and shine to your hair…
  • Strengthen and thicken your nails…
  • And so much more!

Luckily I’ve spent the past few years trying EVERY possible collagen you could ever imagine…

And I’ve discovered one that finally lives up to the claims…

And gives the results you’ve always dreamed of but never actually saw.

And to get all this…

For maximum aging reversal power… You need high-quality, 100% bovine collagen peptides.

Bovine Collagen is the only Collagen chock-full of glycine and proline— 2 anti-aging amino acids!

And here’s the best part.

Instead of taking small amounts of 5 or more different types of collagen — hardly enough to do anything for the body...

I prefer to use ONE source in the proper amount, in a digestible, form your body CRAVES!

100% Single-Source Bovine Collagen Peptides.

These peptides are critical for your body to USE the collagen.

And because bovine collagen is rich with glycine and proline... your body starts feeling younger, faster.

Not only that, we’ve created an even better vehicle to get your collagen.

In fact, it’s a PERFECT PAIRING with Golden Bliss because...

It Doesn’t “Clump” In The Cup!

When you mix other collagen supplements into a drink, usually the powders do not mix well. They turn into little creatures crawling around your cup (gross!)

So I searched for the purest collagen… that is ALSO in “peptide-form.”

“Peptide form” means it dissolves in hot or cold liquids.

Super convenient for adding to your morning coffee, smoothie, or of course, Golden Bliss!

Peptides make collagen easier to digest and absorb. A clean and direct way to use this entire micro-protein.

Here at Earth Echo, I am committed to finding the most earth-friendly and sustainable products… from the manufacturing process to delivery, and to how you dispose of the packaging once you are done and ready to buy more.

That’s why my team worked tirelessly to create our OWN Collagen… the PERFECT Collagen that I can feel confident about taking myself, and recommending to you.

A Collagen which you KNOW where it comes from… and WHO is behind it...

You put your trust in me to provide you with a transformative experience for the next 7 days…

Will you trust me to REJUVENATE your ENTIRE body with a body-boosting scoop of Collagen Peptides that turns UP the volume on all your efforts?

It is my privilege to introduce you to...

Earth Echo Collagen Peptides

I am SO proud to announce our own Collagen supplement that we have tested to perfection.

Now, on top of the obvious benefits like thicker, longer hair… stronger, faster-growing nails… and smoother-looking skin…

One of the main questions I get is:

“How can I turn my smoothies or other recipes into a clean protein source?”

Well, here’s the answer.

With 17 grams of digestible protein in every scoop...

Mix Earth Echo Collagen Peptides into your favorite beverage and you get a great source of protein... AND it's absorbed by the body with ease.

There’s virtually no taste or smell so you can enjoy this youth-enhancing... skin-smoothing... gut-mending “super” nutrient every day in your coffee, smoothie, or in a cool glass of water.

And since you’re already committed to becoming the BEST version of yourself…

If you act fast, there is still time to enhance your order!

Do Your Whole Body A Favor And Add 100% Bovine Collagen Peptides To Your Order Today!

Stock Up & Save Up To $125!

individual package

1 Bag of Collagen




Regular Price: $59.95


most popular and best value!

ageless bundle

5 Bags of Collagen

($34.95 each)


buy now

Regular Price: $299.75


family bundle

3 Bags of Collagen

($39.95 each)


buy now

Regular Price: $179.85

No thank you, I love the way my nails, hair, skin, and digestion feel every day

Here’s how I see it.

You will never regret decisions that move your life forward.

Decisions that help you maintain the body... skin... hair... flexibility... and GREAT feeling into the future.

And it’s so easy.

All you do you is grab a spoon and mix it into Golden Superfood Bliss — or any other beverage you’d like — no blender needed.

In a few seconds, you have an age-defying drink that starts repairing your cells from the inside-out.

Check out the label and see how pure, simple, and clean it is:

Plus, there’s NOTHING you don’t need.

So if you’re ready, you can ADD this to your order today, by choosing how many bags you would like.

I recommend stocking up so you’ll SAVE the most because when you stock up with 6 bags, you save $125 on your order today.

It’s almost like you’re getting 2 for FREE.

You’ll remain stocked, and also enjoy a scoop in every cup, or whenever you feel like an added boost.

yes! I Want To Add Collagen Peptides To My Order Today!

Stock Up & Save Up To $125!

individual package

1 Bag of Collagen




Regular Price: $59.95


most popular and best value!

ageless bundle

5 Bags of Collagen

($34.95 each)


buy now

Regular Price: $299.75


family bundle

3 Bags of Collagen

($39.95 each)


buy now

Regular Price: $179.85

No thank you, I love the way my nails, hair, skin, and digestion feel every day

I’ve told you what’s INSIDE Earth Echo Collagen Peptides…

But what I haven’t mentioned is everything that is NOT inside.

Here’s Everything You Won’t Find Inside Earth Echo 100% Collagen Peptides!

No antibiotics

No gluten


No artificial coloring or flavoring

No added sugar

No dairy

No rBGH or rBST

It’s also at the LOWEST price right now when you add 3 or more bags of Earth Echo 100% Bovine Collagen Peptides to your order today.

It’s simple and fast, but this offer is only available while you’re on this page, and before you complete your order.

There’s zero risk!

Your upgrade today comes with our 60-day iron-clad money-back guarantee.

If for ANY reason Earth Echo 100% Bovine Collagen Peptides isn’t for you, just send back your opened or unopened bags for a full refund. It’s a very simple process, I promise.

Act Fast Because This Special 41% OFF Deal Will Not Be Available Anywhere Else

Stock Up & Save Up To $125!

individual package

1 Bag of Collagen




Regular Price: $59.95


most popular and best value!

ageless bundle

5 Bags of Collagen

($34.95 each)


buy now

Regular Price: $299.75


family bundle

3 Bags of Collagen

($39.95 each)


buy now

Regular Price: $179.85

No thank you, I love the way my nails, hair, skin, and digestion feel every day

Frequently Asked Questions

How many pouches should I order?

The answer may differ from person to person depending on many factors. Some of these may include how many people are planning on taking the Collagen Powder. The suggested serving is 1 scoop per use and can be used several times daily, so we recommend ordering at least 2 pouches so you can enjoy savings, and if you are buying for more than one person, then order more! Plus, the more you buy, the more you save!

What sets our Collagen apart from other brands?

Bovine collagen is the most ideal for maximum benefits of collagen because it's closer to our body chemistry to provide healthier skin, hair, nails etc. In fact, Bovine Collagen is the only type of collagen chock full of "glycine" and "proline" — 2 anti-aging amino acids.

It's a Peptide powder which means it dissolves easily in hot OR cold water and won't give the clumping effect that some collagens do when mixed with liquid.

It's flavorless so you don't have any strong odors or odd tastes when you mix it.

It's Gluten-Free. No Antibiotics, No GMOs, No Artificial coloring or flavoring. No added sugar, No Dairy, No rBGH or rBST.

One of the most digestible forms of protein you can get so it's easier on your stomach.

Why should I order Collagen Peptides today?

Most customers order Earth Echo Collagen Peptides so they can finally enjoy the obvious benefits like thicker, longer hair… stronger, faster-growing nails… and smoother-looking skin, plus mix it into your favorite beverage and you get a great source of protein.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes. You have a full 60 days to use your money-back guarantee.

What’s Inside Earth Echo Collagen Peptides?

Read the label below to see exactly what’s inside!

WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to

Okay, How Do I Order?

Go ahead and choose the best option for you by clicking below. Remember, you have nothing to lose with our 60-day money-back guarantee. So if at any time you’re not happy with how Collagen Peptides is working for you, we’ll give you a full refund. Plus, if you order right now, you’ll enjoy up to 41% discount!

individual package

1 Bag of Collagen




Regular Price: $59.95


most popular and best value!

ageless bundle

5 Bags of Collagen

($34.95 each)


buy now

Regular Price: $299.75


family bundle

3 Bags of Collagen

($39.95 each)


buy now

Regular Price: $179.85

No thank you, I love the way my nails, hair, skin, and digestion feel every day
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Disclaimer: Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Earth Echo, LLC products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

*See full disclaimer

We’re confident that you’ll love Earth Echo Collagen but if you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, keep your opened pouch of Earth Echo Collagen and return the rest of your unopened pouches within 60 days of purchase for a full refund minus shipping and handling. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. Contact our Customer Happiness team for more information and return instructions at Special offers are not valid on previous purchases and can not be combined with other offers or discounts.

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