Willpower Alone Won't CAN'T Work
To Help You Lose Stubborn Weight
No Matter How Strict Your Diet
- Until You Shut Off This One
“Hunger Switch”...

Hidden Deep Inside Your Brain is a
Secret “Switch” That Hijacks Your Ability
to Stop Eating...But There is Good News!

Finally, Nutritionist Danette May Reveals How to Easily Curb Emotional
Eating, Combat Sugar Cravings, And Even Help Yourself Eat Significantly
LESS Calories Per Day Without Harsh Diet Changes

Millions of women in the U.S. start diets every year...

And around 95% of them FAIL. But why is that?

Well we can tell you this…

It’s NOT because people are bad at dieting…

And it’s NOT because these diets don’t work...

It’s Because Their Brains Won’t LET
Them Lose Weight…

It happens all the time, like it did to my friend Jennifer.

Jennifer hated how her diet was going...

She would eat well most of the day at her stressful job...

A small, healthy breakfast like a fruit smoothie with a scoop of protein...

A nice salad or maybe broiled salmon with grilled asparagus...

And maybe a handful of almonds in the afternoon.

But by the time dinner rolled around, her willpower vanished into thin air.

It was like something hijacked her mind...FORCING her to eat!

Now that her guard was down in the comfort of her own home, she could finally eat her stress and anxiety away.

Worse is that once she started...

She often couldn’t stop...

Even if she was full.

Deep down she KNEW she needed to stop eating
like this... but she couldn’t control herself...

So many times she would put her bag of chips or cookies away, patting herself on the back for a job well done...

Just to dig right back into it a few minutes later when no one was looking.

Many times this went on until she physically couldn’t eat anymore.

Sometimes she ate so much she would feel nauseous...

But that wasn’t even the worst part...

The worst part was the guilt...

The guilt of ruining her diet again...

The guilt of feeling like she was out of control...

The guilt of trying to hide her secret eating from her husband because she was too embarrassed to admit her problem...

And if you feel like Jennifer, you’re not alone...

Because over the past 11 years or so I’ve worked with hundreds of thousands of people...

And unfortunately Jennifer’s story is not unique.

She’s a classic “emotional eater”.

But There is Good News
for Jennifer and For You!

I’ve figured out one crucial trigger of emotional eating...and it’s not what you’re thinking…

  • It’s not your diet...
  • It’s not exercise...
  • And it’s not hormones…

It’s something OUT of your control...until NOW!

Believe it or not, inside the brain is a “switch” that hijacks your ability to stop eating...

And it gives you the urge to snack even when you’re already full.

See, when your system is in perfect health...

Your brain and body communicate in perfect harmony, so you experience hunger only when your body needs food.

But when this switch accidentally gets flipped on, your body TRICKS you into feeling tired... moody... and HUNGRY.

And as far too many of us know...

Tired + moody + hungry = emotional eating!

The good news is we’ve discovered one critical reason why this happens...

And more importantly we know how to address it in an easy, fast, convenient way that you probably haven’t seen before.

It’s all based on cutting-edge research from well-known institutes all across the globe...

And it’s delivering impressive results to people who have tried everything and feel like they’re no longer in control of their body.

But before I share everything with you, let me first introduce myself...

My name is Danette May...

And I understand EXACTLY what you’re going through right now.

Right before I turned 30, I thought I had the world by the tail and it felt like I was living the “perfect” life.

But little did I know my world would get flipped upside down...

And I would come face-to-face with my deepest, darkest fear.

It all started the day I lost my son during childbirth.

And that day when I walked out of the hospital ALONE was forever seared into my memory.

Not only did I fall into a deep 3-month depression...

But my husband walked out on us and cleaned out my only bank account...

Leaving just $47.63 to my name that my two little girls and I found by searching the nooks & crannies in our home...

Otherwise they would have gone to bed hungry that night.

And let me tell you...

Being a single mother of two little girls...

Sleeping on the floor...

With no money...

Is the most terrifying feeling in the world.

I knew I had a choice that first night as I shivered on the damp floor next to my girls...

And after a flood of tears...

I decided to show my daughters what their Mommy was truly made of...

That decision led me to truly understand that it’s the “muck” in our lives that gives us the fuel to create an amazing life...

And it’s what allowed me to discover a unique philosophy around healing foods, healing movement, and a healing mindset...

Since then, I’ve been able to inspire and touch the lives of hundreds of thousands of people...

And I’m hoping that by the time you finish this page...

You’ll become one of those people.

Let me start by explaining how...

Your EMOTIONS Control Hunger and Cravings

The truth is that hunger...


Occasional anxiety...

And raw emotion...

Are all controlled in the same part of the brain, the amygdala.

That’s why...

  • Researchers from the University of California reported that “Yes,” women did eat more calories and sweets when they were stressed...
  • Dutch scientists reported that you’re more likely to eat when you’re stressed, even if you’re not hungry...
  • In yet another study from Ball State University with 271 female college students. 81% reported an appetite change as soon as they felt stressed...

Normally, your body can balance things properly so weight loss is simple and easy.

After a meal your body produces insulin which helps cells absorb glucose...

And sends the “stop eating” signal to your brain.

But unfortunately...

Frequent daily stress and high-calorie
foods SKYROCKET insulin up to 10 TIMES
the normal level...

See, once your insulin levels remain too high for too long...

Your brain becomes confused and stops detecting insulin.

In fact, researchers at the prominent Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Australia discovered that when they fed a group of stressed participants a high-calorie diet...

Their insulin skyrocketed up to 10 TIMES HIGHER than the stress-free mice on a normal diet.

Now the problem with rogue insulin spikes is that it increases a peptide neurotransmitter in your brain called NPY.

NPY is like a stoplight for your hunger.

When you have high levels of NPY, your brain is saying “eat eat eat!” while reducing your metabolism...

And when you have low levels of NPY, your brain realizes that it’s full and reduces cravings.

So in other words...

  1. High levels of daily stress and occasional anxiety may cause insulin spikes 10x higher than they should be...
  2. These insulin spikes release the hunger hormone NPY...
  3. NPY forces you to eat more...
  4. Which causes you to feel guilty about overeating...
  5. Which makes you eat even more!

It’s a brutal, devastating, unfair cycle...

And the worst part is...

You can’t control it!

But that’s not the only problem....

Lack of sleep makes the problem even worse...

We all know that lack of sleep makes you tired, grumpy, and just plain miserable...

But unfortunately it also does something far more sinister than sour moods...

It triggers a little-known hunger receptor inside your brain called 2-AG.

Now what’s so unique about this particular receptor is that it directly controls your ability to make good food choices.

So if you “unconsciously” reach for high-calorie treats like cookies, candy, and chips...

It may be because 2-AG is “hijacking” your brain...

FORCING you to crave all the foods you know you shouldn’t eat.

Now on one hand that’s a good thing...

Because you FINALLY know that stress and bad sleep are contributing to the cravings and emotional eating that leave you feeling powerless.

On the other hand, it’s a problem we need to address...

So let me explain how it works and how to tackle it.

See, 2-AG normally drops during the night if you’re getting enough high quality sleep...

Then slowly rises throughout the day until it peaks right after lunch.

But when you lose sleep...

Your 2-AG levels can skyrocket by up to 33%.

This causes 2-AG to peak 90 minutes later than normal.

The problem with high levels late in the day is that ...

Elevated 2-AG makes you eat even
when you’re full...

So even if you eat sensibly and just order a healthy salad for lunch...

Mix up a protein-rich smoothie...

Or even if you enjoy a big meal...

Studies have shown that some sleep-deprived people eat an extra 385 calories per day.

Plus, research has shown a lack of sleep can...

Unnecessarily tax your immune system, so your defense network isn’t fortified...

Affect your mood so you sometimes fly off the handle or snap at your kids for no reason...

Disrupt your blood sugar...

Lower sex drive and make you doubt if your spouse still loves you...

So as you can see, lack of sleep goes much deeper than just feeling stressed and tired.

It affects almost every area of your well-being.

And if you ignore it for long enough...

It turns you into an emotional eating zombie...

Makes you a prisoner of your own body...

And makes weight loss virtually impossible...

No matter what you eat or how much you exercise.

But there is HOPE…

And there IS a way to tackle it...

I’ve discovered the “Off Switch” That
helps SHUT DOWN emotional eating

This unique approach to supporting deeper, and more satisfying sleep... and helps combat occasional sleeplessness.

Rebalancing your hunger hormones...

So you can climb out of the vicious emotional eating cycle...

Might already be hiding in your kitchen counter in plain sight.

The spice I’m talking about is called Turmeric, and studies have shown that it..

  • Supports Healthy Inflammatory Response...*
  • Improves digestion...*
  • Relieves temporary pain as a result of exercise...*
  • Dissolves stubborn fat...*
  • Helps soothe occasional anxiety and stress...*

That’s all great, and you may have even heard about it before...

But most people don’t realize that it’s also a powerful sleep aid.*

See, Turmeric has always been one of my favorite weapons for...

  • Helping my body relax after a stressful day...*
  • Calming my mind when I’m feeling frazzled... *
  • And lowering occasional anxiety when I just want a good night’s rest.*

I’ve been drinking my own version of “Turmeric tea” for YEARS now because...

Turmeric “reprograms” the body in 3 specific ways
which provide support to help you fall asleep
faster, eliminate cravings and burn more fat...

You may have heard the buzz about Turmeric and its powerful health-boosting properties.

But today I want to show you 3 specific ways it helps the body recover from poor sleep.*

Starting with...

Sleep Booster #1: Helps curb stress and unwanted hunger signals*

Most people believe they can overcome hunger by not thinking about it.

But you and I both know hunger gets worse the longer you ignore it.

And when you do finally give in...stopping yourself BEFORE you overeat is virtually impossible.

But there is a better way to help curb hunger and you don’t even need to think about it.

You see...

Turmeric boosts a Nobel-prize winning molecule called Nerve Growth Factor...*

And you’re going to LOVE why this is so important...

Remember earlier when we talked about how stress increases your hunger receptor known as 2-AG... which is causing your cravings?

Well nerve growth factor helps BLOCK 2-AG...

Providing more support to help you combat your hunger even when you’re stressed...*

Even if you’re suffering from an occasional lack of sleep.

In fact, let me ask you this...

How much easier could you achieve a body you can love if you experience substantially less cravings for junk food or sugary sweets?

It would be life-changing... right?

You’d feel sexy every time you stepped in front of the mirror...

You’d finally feel confident when you put on your favorite clothes...

Other people would notice the new you and comment about how much more attractive you look...

This is why it’s so important to help curb 2-AG and lower hunger.*

Now the next step to enjoying better sleep is by simply being able to unwind and relax right before you doze off to sleep.

So let me show you...

Sleep Booster #2: Combats anxiety so you fall asleep faster*

The truth is, you can’t avoid occasional anxiety and daily stress in today’s fast-paced world.

Every day it can feel like you’re getting pulled in a million different directions...

Taking the kids to various practices and games...

The million demands of holding a job...

Having to still run all your errands after school, work, dinner, and everything else you have going on...

Some days it’s impossible to unwind.

And this is where Turmeric really shines.

Because in addition to helping you curb “stress eating”...

Turmeric also contains an active ingredient called curcumin that fights occasional anxiety.

In fact, studies have shown...

  • It helps balance anxiety in people who have some extra weight...*
  • It boosts DHA levels which support improved focus and reduces occasional anxiety...
  • Now the truth is when you can easily curb periodic anxiety…
  • You have support to sleep deeper and more peacefully...*
  • Rebalance vital hormones...*
  • And help avoid the hormonal “weight gain” roller coaster.*

Which brings me to the next sleep booster...

Sleep Booster #3: Supports a healthy inflammatory response, and relaxes your body*

See, on those days when I’m stiff and sore after exercising...

Turmeric is my go-to remedy for calming that temporary, achy, tight feeling inside my joints after intense physical activity.

Research has shown that Turmeric...

  • Helps reduce inflammation and manage temporary pain as a result of exercise.
  • Turmeric could help you finally feel young, sexy and alive again...*

You could have the support you need to feel sharper mentally and like your brain has finally slipped out of a deep hibernation...*

You might hop out of bed and go for an early morning walk even BEFORE you drink a sip of coffee...

Or sit down and start writing that book you’ve always wanted to get published...

Or go on a family camping trip...

Start a garden...

Get back to the gym...

Or do virtually anything you want.

Because one thing’s for sure...

When you wake up with your batteries fully charged...

You’ll need to find new ways to burn off all your extra energy and enthusiasm.

The bad news is...

You can’t add powdered Turmeric found in your local grocery store and think it’s giving you all these benefits...

That’s because your liver “spits it out” before it’s ever absorbed.

That is...

Unless you use a little hack I’ve discovered which... Makes Turmeric up to 2,000% more effective...*

Let me explain how this works...

Your liver processes nutrients by releasing a substance called UDP glucuronic acid.

This binds with nutrients to make them water-soluble and easier to absorb.

But this process happens too fast with Turmeric...

And it gets eliminated before it gets absorbed.

Fortunately, studies have shown black pepper can slow down liver metabolism...

Just long enough for the body to absorb nutrients more efficiently.

In fact, black pepper can increase absorption by up to 2,000%.*

But that doesn’t mean you can just add a little black pepper and turmeric into a mug... add some water... stir it a little... and enjoy all the benefits we’ve talked about today.

Because here’s the problem...

It took me YEARS to come up with my own perfectly blended tonic that includes turmeric... a pinch of black pepper to help absorption, and SEVERAL other ingredients that...

  • Ease occasional anxiety...*
  • Help knock you out so you can get a good night's rest...*
  • Support melting away stubborn fat...*
  • And rebalance your hunger hormones so you aren’t constantly fighting your cravings...*

Unfortunately the craving crusher I created was SUPER expensive because of all the various ingredients you need...

TIME CONSUMING because of everything that was needed to make it taste great...

And COMPLICATED because of the very specific amounts of each ingredient that you need to make it work...

That’s Why I Created Golden
Superfood Bliss For You...

Golden Superfood Bliss is a unique stress and sleep formulation that puts YOU back in control of your body and your hunger, even if you’re over 40 and about to give up.*

It’s my unique blend of fat-burning, craving-crushing, rejuvenation supporting ingredients which curb “stress eating” at the cellular level...*

So you can still achieve a body you can love even if your life is hectic and full of unexpected surprises.

Calm frazzled nerves and support putting you in sleep mode faster...

So you can experience deeper and more rejuvenating sleep with almost no effort.*

Helps “Retrain” your cells to burn fat while you sleep...*

So you can still LOOK and FEEL your best without starving yourself, or entirely giving up your favorite foods.

Take a Look at What’s Inside Golden
Superfood Bliss…

What makes Golden Superfood Bliss so powerful is the unique combination of ingredients that help you crush cravings, burn fat and combat sporadic emotional eating...*

...All while enjoying the most mouthwatering bedtime tonic you’ve ever experienced.

These fat burning ingredients include…

Turmeric - Fights temporary inflammation related to physical exercise, improves digestion, dissolves stubborn fat and soothes periodic anxiety and stress.*

Black Pepper - To maximize your results by increasing the "bioavailability" of the Turmeric by up to 2,000%.*

Coconut milk and MCT oil - So that you can stimulate weight loss by "retraining" the body to burn more calories, and help you feel full longer.*

Amla Fruit - Added to help you reduce fat by keeping you fuller longer, and helps you optimize carbohydrate metabolism.*

Cinnamon Bark - So that you can lower hunger and increase fat loss by combatting the "hunger hormone" ghrelin and the digestive enzymes that break down carbs.*

Ginger root - Added to reduce your appetite, help you feel fuller longer, and boost your metabolism by accelerating digestion.*

Cardamom - Fights occasional anxiety and temporary, exercise related inflammation by combating CRF, a hormone that contributes to increased estrogen levels, weight gain, and diminished libido.*

Ashwagandha - To help balance stress and reduce cortisol by up to 28% and improve the quality of sleep when used regularly.*

Plus a blend of four powerhouse mushrooms - Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake and Lion's Mane are added to support a healthy inflammatory response, boost fat loss and help combat cravings and hunger.*

With Golden Superfood Bliss…

  • You’ll finally enjoy support for a full night of rejuvenating sleep to help stimulate weight loss...*
  • Your brain will virtually “rewire” how you think about food, and more importantly help put you back in control of your food choices...*
  • You’ll smile as those trouble spots shrink and your pants become looser...*
  • You’ll be setting the right example of better health for your kids and your family…
  • You’ll relax and feel confident in knowing that you’re taking care of your body and mind in the best way possible…
  • You’ll have extra energy to stay present with friends and family so you can enjoy every precious moment life throws your way...

When combined with a healthy diet and exercise.

Leslie C.

I love the Golden Food Superfood Bliss! The taste is wonderful and I have less cravings! Ending my day with this warm, tasty drink is so nice!

Kelly N.

I started having a cup of Golden Superfood Bliss while settling down for the evening 2 weeks ago. I was so afraid it was going to taste horrible...I am picky....mixed with almond milk it’s like a tumeric chai...I love it! It’s my go to for night time sweet treat....keeps me from snacking at night and is a perfect way to end the day!

Sarah P.

I love this sooo much, it tastes amazing just mix with hot water. I drink it in the evening, it relaxes my nervous system and allows me to sleep amazing throughout the night. It also helps me from snacking on food I shouldn’t be eating in the evening, gives me something to do other than eat. And after a cup, I no longer have the need or desire to eat sugar. This product surprised me in a good way. A must have!!!

But It’s Not Easy Getting Your Hands On
Golden Superfood Bliss…

This is a high-end, premium product that retails for as much as $34.95 per box of 15 travel packets.

That’s because we use only the most healthy, potent, highest-grade ingredients possible - all sustainably sourced…

Since we have such a variety of high quality ingredients, we must work with suppliers from all over the world...

And it’s a juggling act to keep everything coordinated so you’re getting the EXACT nutrients in the EXACT amounts...

Often times waiting on one single ingredient can set back our manufacturing schedule for several months.

On top of that is the fact that we’re selling Golden Superfood Bliss far faster than we ever thought possible...

Our new customers are re-ordering more than we ever thought after they’re seeing incredible results...

And they’re telling their friends, making it go viral!

It’s SUCH a good problem to have...

But as demand increases for Golden Superfood Bliss Travel Packs...

It puts even more strain on production...

Which means Golden Superfood Bliss Travel
Packs are at constant risk of selling out…

But I have good news for you…

You’re here today and TODAY not only do we have Golden Superfood Bliss in stock...

But I’m giving YOU a special opportunity to save...

By giving you one free box of Travel Packs when you order on this page today!

These travel packs are the perfect on-the-go craving crusher! They’ll satisfy your sweet tooth, nourish your body, and keep you from giving in to the temptations that await you outside your home.

And this incredible deal on them is only available for a limited time…

You see, I’m passing our manufacturing discount on to you and offering you an incredible deal...

When you select the package of Golden Superfood Bliss Travel Packs down below that best fits you.

I’d like to give you ONE free box of Golden Superfood Bliss Travel Packs when you purchase four today.

That’s a gift of $34.95 on top of an already great discount!

Now, of course, there are other options, but I recommend the “Buy 4 Get 1 Free” discount we’re currently offering. That’s because this special discounted package is only being offered to you through this page... and only while supplies last.

Remember, we’re constantly at risk of running out of Golden Superfood Bliss Travel Packs, and it can take up to three months before there’s another batch available.

Plus, I’ll Give You a FREE GIft Just For Ordering Golden Superfood Bliss Travel Packs Today!

When you order 3 or more boxes of Golden Superfood BlissTravel Packs today, we have a little something extra for you…

We like to give a nice warm welcome to our new customers…

So for qualifying orders, I’m going to include an ADDITIONAL 5 individual packets, completely free…

I’ll even cover the additional shipping!

Keep them for yourself, or share them with a friend, but don’t be surprised if they ask you for more!

PLUS as an additional bonus, I will be sending you all my best tips, recipes and suggestions straight to your email. You’ll be amazed at what’s possible when you add healing movements, healing foods and a healing mindset to your life. I promise, your email is safe with us! I won't sell or share your email with other companies, I will respect your inbox - and if you ever decide you don't want to receive our emails anymore, you can unsubscribe at any time.

This gift is valued at $9.95 plus shipping, but today it’s yours absolutely FREE!

All you have to do is place your order and tell me where to ship it!

Remember, Golden Superfood Bliss Travel Packs usually retail at $34.95…

But Today, You’ll Save Up to 42.87%
and Get a FREE Gift!


1 Box of 15 Travel Packs

Save 14.3% +
FREE Shipping


Save 14.3%


SUBSCRIBEPlus FREE Shipping!Add To Cart (*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $34.95

most popular & Best value


Buy 4 Boxes of 15 Travel Packs
Get 1 Box FREE

Save 42.87% +
Free 5 Packets ($9.95)


Add To Cart (*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $174.75

3 box

3 Boxes of 15 Travel Packs

Save 28.5% +
Free 5 Packets ($9.95)


Add To Cart (*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $104.85

Take 60 Days To SEE And FEEL The Results...*
100% Risk-Free!

Let me ask you this...

Why would you continue to toss and turn all night struggling with occasional sleeplessness...

Continue to wake up tired...

Continue to struggle through your day with occasional fatigue...

Continue to beat yourself up every time you look in the mirror...

Continue to feel frustrated when nothing gives you noticeable results...

... when you can simply enjoy a soothing, meditational mug of Golden Superfood Bliss right before bed and start each day FULLY charged and ready to grab the tiger by the tail?

The fact is, you don’t have to.

This science-backed nutritional breakthrough is changing the lives of thousands of people.

They’re already transforming the way they eat...

The way they sleep...

The way their “big clothes” fit...

And I want that for you too.

Because when you add Golden Superfood Bliss into your daily life...

  • You’ll finally enjoy support for a full night of rejuvenating sleep...*
  • Your brain will virtually “rewire” how you think about food, and more importantly help put you back in control of your food choices...*
  • You’ll smile as those trouble spots shrink and your pants become looser...*
  • You’ll be setting the right example of better health for your kids and your family...
  • You’ll relax and feel confident in knowing that you’re taking care of your body and mind in the best way possible...
  • You’ll have extra energy to stay present with friends and family so you can enjoy every precious moment life throws your way...

All risk-free today.

In fact, I don’t even want you to say yes today...

I don’t want you to commit until you’re convinced Golden Superfood Bliss is right for you...

So all I’m asking from you is a “maybe.”

Because if you change your mind about your investment today for ANY reason in the next 2 months...

Simply call or email our in-house customer support team and we’ll gladly refund your entire purchase. Even if one of your boxes is completely empty, just pay for shipping. For full refund policy see below.

There is literally zero risk, but SO much to gain.

Golden Superfood Bliss either works wonders and you believe it’s
changing your life...

Or you get back every red cent.

It’s really that simple.

Now, We’ve Covered a Lot of Ground on
This Page... I’ve Shown You...

  • Why lack of quality sleep (even a little) is stopping your body from turning up the dial on your metabolism, and better fat loss...
  • The crucial nutrients you’re missing that help curb 2-AG. So you can enjoy support for less hunger, better sleep, less occasional anxiety, and more willpower around unhealthy food...*
  • Why it’s nearly impossible to curb 2-AG on your own and why Golden Superfood Bliss does all the heavy lifting for you in a simple, ready-to-use mix...*
  • How to get ONE free box of Golden Superfood Bliss travel packs, along with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee, so you can enjoy the best possible deal without risking a penny…

Now the decision is yours.

You’ve seen all the clinical studies... all the research... all the reasons why giving Golden Superfood Bliss an honest try is a great decision you’ll feel comfortable making.

So now you’ve got a choice...

  1. Do nothing and give up - Then look back 6 months or even a year from now and realize you had the chance to make a different choice and try something risk-free that’s already helping people live a more comfortable life...
  2. Or you can try Golden Superfood Bliss absolutely risk-free and enjoy support for better sleep, less occasional anxiety, a faster metabolism, and improved fat burning without worrying if you can control your appetite and hunger.*

Plus, SO much more...

If you’re tired of missing out on the good things in life simply because you’re not living in a body you can love...

Then now is the perfect opportunity to try Golden Superfood Bliss risk-free so you can finally help “rewire” your brain and transform how you approach fat loss.*

This is your chance to finally stop wearing all those old clothes that are keeping you from looking and feeling sexy.

I hope you’ll decide to spread your wings...

And let the real you come out and play...

To add more spring in your step...

To feel like you were transported back into a younger version of your body...

So Choose One of the Options Below...

Again, your best deal is the 4-box option... with ONE free box AND 5 free additional servings of Golden Superfood Bliss... enough to last you awhile in case we run out... and it’s risk-free because of our 60-day 100% money-back guarantee.

These travel packs are the perfect on-the-go healthy snack - you’re going to want to make sure you have plenty on hand to help crush cravings and support your health goals…

Choose your package below, and you’ll go straight to our 100% secure online ordering form where you can finalize your order and tell us where to ship it...

It’s time to take a step towards overall wellness without harsh diets or overtaxing gym routines...


1 Box of 15 Travel Packs

Save 14.3% +
FREE Shipping


Save 14.3%


SUBSCRIBEPlus FREE Shipping!Add To Cart (*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $34.95

most popular & Best value


Buy 4 Boxes of 15 Travel Packs
Get 1 Box FREE

Save 42.87% +
Free 5 Packets ($9.95)


Add To Cart (*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $174.75

3 box

3 Boxes of 15 Travel Packs

Save 28.5% +
Free 5 Packets ($9.95)


Add To Cart (*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $104.85

Rita Boggs

I am soooo TOTALLY loving the Golden Bliss.... it just looks richer and tastes richer and fuller! When you look in the bag the texture is just crazy fresh and rich looking... A richer deeper Golden color. I also love the fact that it has extra super foods in its an ABSOLUTE GAME CHANGER!!!

Anita Tushaj

I never thought that there would be something that will shut off your cravings like the Golden Superfood Bliss does and on top of everything I am getting better sleep every night as well! I strongly recommend this product and it is my new best friend!


How many boxes should I order?

I recommend the “Buy 4 Get 1 Free” discount we’re currently offering. That’s because this special discounted package is only being offered to you through this website for a very limited-time.

In fact, as I mentioned, we’re constantly running out of Golden Superfood Bliss, and not only can it take up to three months before there’s another batch available... I can’t guarantee we’ll have this massive discount either.

Plus, your order today is backed by our 60 day, 100% money-back guarantee.

That way, you can try Golden Superfood Bliss at the BEST price... for 2 full months... and if you don’t see a dramatic difference in the quality of your sleep, hunger, weight, mood, and occasional anxiety, simply ship it back your unopened boxes (even if your 1st box is empty) for a 100% refund.

What’s unique about Golden Superfood Bliss?

Golden Superfood Bliss helps you in three unique ways...

  • Supports a reduction in stress by curbing uncontrollable hunger signals... *
  • Combats occasional anxiety, so you fall asleep faster... *
  • Supports a healthy inflammatory response, rebalances hormones, and relaxes your body... *

Plus, depending on which offer you choose you can enjoy one free box of Golden Superfood Bliss travel packs, so you enjoy the best experience and never worrying about running out.

How long before I see results?

As you know, everyone is different. Our bodies are incredibly unique and complex machines and respond differently. Some people see dramatic improvements within just a few weeks, while it takes a few months for more severe cases. That’s why we offer a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee on any option you choose.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes. You have 60 days to claim your money-back guarantee. Simply ship it back to us, even if your 1st box is completely empty and we will refund your purchase price.

What’s Inside Golden Superfood Bliss?

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Okay, So How Do I Order?

Go ahead and choose the best option for you by clicking below. Remember you have nothing to lose with our 60-day money-back guarantee. So if at any time you’re not happy with how Golden Superfood Bliss is working for you we’ll give you a full refund. Plus, if you order right now, you’ll enjoy a 50% discount when you choose the 4 box option.


1 Box of 15 Travel Packs

Save 14.3% +
FREE Shipping


Save 14.3%


SUBSCRIBEPlus FREE Shipping!Add To Cart (*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $34.95

most popular & Best value


Buy 4 Boxes of 15 Travel Packs
Get 1 Box FREE

Save 42.87% +
Free 5 Packets ($9.95)


Add To Cart (*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $174.75

3 box

3 Boxes of 15 Travel Packs

Save 28.5% +
Free 5 Packets ($9.95)


Add To Cart (*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $104.85

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Disclaimer: Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Earth Echo, LLC products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

*See full disclaimer

We’re confident that you’ll love Golden Superfood Bliss but if you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, keep your opened pouch of Golden Superfood Bliss and return the rest of your unopened pouches within 60 days of purchase for a full refund minus shipping and handling. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. If you take advantage of the 4+1 Free Golden Superfood Bliss offer, you may include the free container to obtain your full refund or elect to have $39.97 deducted from your refund amount. If you have questions about your order or need any support, feel free to contact our support team HERE. For the full refund policy please click here. Or you may also contact ClickBank HERE for further assistance. Special offers are not valid on previous purchases and can not be combined with other offers or discounts.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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